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V-Day Irony

Veterans Day 2006, nothing like 1918

As president Bush "hailed members of the armed services for their dedication and bravery and said American troops have helped the oppressed around the world," it was common to recall the recent service member and civilian deaths in Iraq or Afghanistan, the struggle for "normalcy" in both places, or even the MI5 Chief Eliza Manningham-Buller's speech in which she emphasized that ongoing attacks, with plots increasing, are not going to subside:
"That threat is serious, is growing and will, I believe, be with us for a
generation. It is a sustained campaign, not a series of isolated incidents."

So along with an increase in unrest we also have two wars that presumably are"helping the oppressed," but as Inayat Bunglawala for the Muslim council of Great Britain points out:
"Many in the Muslim community do believe that some of our actions overseas have
certainly exacerbated the terror threat and made it worse and
have helped extremists gain recruits in this country."

As this was happening, the US vetoed a UN Security Council resolution condemning an Israeli attack in Gaza that killed 18 civilians, including women and children. It was our second veto for Israeli military attacks against civilians. Happy Veterans Day.

An advertisement for The Israel Project, undoubtedly Washington's most effective lobbying firm. And hey, donations are tax deductible(sarcasm intended).

Israel. Where the white people are.

That should be their slogan

hey, Israel too has been bombarted with missles.

three hundred and some dead in Gaza, zero in Israel

i support our soldiers -- actually all the world's soldiers..

i reject their leaders...the people that send them to stupid wars...

happy v-day back at ya!!

This is a really good blog.

The neocons seem to be completely squeezed out of power, as Bush41 people take over. Unfortunately they all committed to "victory".

I'm going to link to this blog.

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